Development/Stewarship Coaching Process
Why Coaching
Over the past thirty years, Catholic schools/parishes have faced several challenges regarding operational vitality. Tuition is not keeping up with the cost of education, and increased competition from public, charter, and private schools has only made this more difficult. Numerous Catholic parishes have closed or merged, and church attendance since COVID continues to challenge our churches.
The ISPD Development/Stewardship Coaching Program was created to help school and parish administrators, pastors, principals, and boards/councils understand how to move beyond fundraising and establish long-term development/advancement/stewardship processes for their Catholic schools and parishes.
Development/Stewardship Coaching Program
Group Workshops
Topics Covered
- Annual Fund
- Mission/Vision/Value
- Internal/External Communication
- Educating school/parish leadership about Catholic Development
- Involving alumni at the elementary level
- The Development Core Team
- Identifying your school/parish’s Top 10 and WOW
- The written Strategic Plan for Development/
Stewardship - Identifying your top financial leaders and
engaging them for the long term.
Individual Coaching Sessions
ISPD will have a monthly one-on-one virtual meeting session with each Catholic school/parish team to discuss specific development process, such as the Annual Fund or stewardship growth.

What to Expect
The ISPD Coaching Process is designed for one or more Catholic schools/parishes. It consists of a mix of group workshops and individual coaching sessions on the meaning, value, and implementation of a vibrant Catholic school/parish development/stewardship effort.
The curriculum will combine publications that ISPD has written and has taught since 2018 with the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives at the University of Dayton.