ISPD Services
Planning Processes
Campaigns & Strategic Planning
Group & One on One
Classes & Professional Development
ISPD Planning Processes
Institute for School and Parish Development offers a variety of processes to help grow your parish or school. We also work with (arch)dioceses to assist in strategic planning and setting up formats, processes, and structures for advancement and enrollment management success.
ISPD Coaching Process
The ISPD Coaching Process is designed for one or more Catholic schools/parishes. It consists of a mix of group workshops and individual coaching sessions on the meaning, value, and implementation of a vibrant Catholic school/parish development/stewardship effort.
These programs can be tailored to an individual school/parish or across multiple schools/parishes in a (arch)diocese. Our coaching programs are perfect for new administrators as well as seasoned professionals.
Everything begins with your mission, vision and core values!
ISPD’s processes are rooted in ministry. At ISPD we help you invite people to believe in your vision and mission – and invest in its success.