25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Dev. (Workbook)

25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Dev. (Workbook)


25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Development: THE WORKBOOK. This workbook is a companion to use along with the original text. It is filled with many questions, reflections, and action items with room to make notes. It is an excellent resource to work with your Catholic school’s teams, committees, boards, councils, and leadership groups.

SKU: DEV-70-1572 Category:


The workbook follows the order of the lessons in the book 25 Lessons Learned in 25+ Years in Catholic School Development. Each lesson has work pages as well as questions for students to ponder and discuss. The lessons we share are from our many experiences with literally thousands of Catholic parishes, schools, and (arch)dioceses across the country. These are the lessons that are working, the exercises and questions that should lead Catholic schools in positive directions.


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