One of the greatest joys in this business of consulting with Catholic schools, parishes, and (arch)dioceses is meeting the many different people who make up the leadership of our Catholic institutions – (arch)bishops, pastors, superintendents, principals, presidents, development and advancement directors, board members, and many others. Although everyone has different situations and challenges, we all want the same thing : to see our Catholic institution(s) improve, stay alive, and thrive. Many go about it in many ways – there’s boss management; there’s team management; there’s in-between management; there are those who are struggling to keep the doors open, and there are those who are way ahead of the ball game with all of the resources they need. A lot depends upon demographics; a lot depends upon history and culture; a lot depends upon if you have expertise in management. And some Catholic parishes and schools wonder if they’re even going to be around in another year.

When we look at today’s economy, the political landscape, the housing market, and other sobering factors, most of us can admit that we are in the midst of some tough times.

In our consulting, workshops, and on-line teaching with the Institute for Pastoral Initiatives with the University of Dayton, we often find that many Catholic leaders want things to be different – especially in terms of Sunday collections, more students, more parish families, more people participating in the Annual Fund, more donors to the capital campaign, more money in the endowment, more volunteers to “spread the people base,” more people participating in the fund-raising events, and the list goes on and on. With these demands and challenges, what usually follows are the directives from the pastor or the principal or the finance council or the board which say: more, more, more; improve, improve, improve; increase, increase, increase. And many times, with these new goals being laid down, there are no solutions on how to do it.

Two weeks ago, we had a development director from a Catholic K-12 school call us to say that he was new on the job. We spoke for a while, and one of the questions we asked him was, “Bob, what outcomes have you been directed to produce this 2024 – 2025 year?’

He answered, having been on the job for 10 days, “Well, the board wants me to raise $250,000 in this year’s Annual Fund.”

“Really? How did the Annual Fund do last year?”

“Well, it was the first year, and they raised right around $60,000.”

“So, what you are telling us is that the board wants to see you increase the Annual Fund by 4x what was done last year. And, Bob, did they tell you HOW to go about doing this?”

“No, they said that is what I was hired to do.”

Unfortunately, that story is not uncommon – possibly the amount is, but the principle of that scenario remains the same. Increases without sound strategy. Desired results without reasonable solutions.

So, the question remains: What is going to be different this year? What are those two quotes we use all the time? When you always approach a problem the same way, you will always end up in the same place. And Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting the results to be different.

Are we willing to take chances and try new things? Are we willing to invest money to make money? Are we willing to turn some things upside down and approach them brand new? Are we willing to move from “paper to people”? Are we willing to get up and get out of our office and really make something happen by talking, visiting and building relationships? Listed below are ten things that we would like to offer. Some may seem “far out,” but they are not earth shattering. However, we will guarantee one thing: Most Catholic institutions are not doing them. Why? Because they are different; some require money; most take time; and 95% of the people who hear this will always say, “That will never work here; we’re different.”

  1. In your Annual Fund Drive this year, have the pastor, principal and/or president invite between 25 – 50 people one on one, “eyeball to eyeball” to participate with a gift of $1,000 or more.
  2. With either your board or parish council or advisory council, or whatever leadership group you have, request that they do three things:
    • Each one call 6 people (parents, parishioners, alumni, etc.) per month and introduce themselves, say hello, and ask if there is anything they (as Catholic leaders) can do for that parent, parishioner, or alum.
    • Each one invite 10 people/families throughout the year to attend a “fun event” at your parish and/or school.
    • Each one invite 5-10 gifts to the Annual Fund in 2024-25. This needs to be done “eyeball to eyeball.”
  3. If you are a parochial school, host an Open House just for the parishioners of the parish – possibly after each Mass on a given weekend. The purpose is to say thank you and to also say, “Look at what we are doing with your contributions.”
  4. This year, visit each new family to the parish and/or school in their home; have a “buddy” family assigned to each one to make that happen. Welcome them personally.
  5. In your Catholic school, create and implement a Regional/National Advisory Council that can meet 2-4 times per year via Zoom and offer input into the top 2-4 challenges the school faces in 2024 – 25 and beyond. Great way to engage your alum base.
  6. Put together Business Packages in the Business Community Division of the Annual Fund. Instead of having every club, group, organization, sport, or whatever in your school/parish individually go after the businesses in your community, create packages whereby you, as a Catholic institution, will only invite them ONE TIME during the course of the year. Money can be distributed on a percentage basis.
  7. Before the end of 2024, conduct The Ultimate Question Survey with all of your constituents.
  8. Set the goal to engage (not necessarily “ask” for money) over 100 “new” people into the life of your parish/school this year.
  9. Kick, scream or holler, but get your battery charged twice per year with professional growth opportunities. (Workshops, webinars, on-line classes, etc.)
  10. Create a new vision with a dynamic Site Master Plan and launch that Financial Feasibility Study and eventual Capital Campaign.

So, what is going to be different in 2024 – 25? Afraid of the conflicts and the storms you may encounter? We can almost guarantee that you will have to approach things from a different angle and from a different point of view if you are really going to make positive changes. Positive change can happen, but you need to have realistic solutions and, as an old marine buddy used to say, “You gotta make sure you put some fire to that piece of metal or else it ain’t gonna change into the shape you want it to bend.”

May new shapes be bent to form new paths to new vision and wonderful success in 2024 – 25 and beyond!

Published On: August 15th, 2024 / Categories: Development Directions /

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