Consulting Services

ISPD focuses energy on consulting, teaching, and guiding Catholic schools, parishes, and dioceses through the many areas of Development and Planning. Because ISPD associates have strong backgrounds as administrators (diocesan, parish, and school levels), development/advancement and stewardship officers, and enrollment management directors, much of the focus is working with Catholic leaders in directing and facilitating the many processes the company offers.

ISPD clients are always appreciative that the associate working with them has walked in their shoes and is able to bring many years of experience to the table. Through individual consults, workshops, on-line courses, and presentations since 1989, ISPD is proud to offer best practices from throughout the country with processes that are successful with hundreds of Catholic institutions.

Listed below are the consulting processes that ISPD offers for Catholic schools, parishes, and dioceses. Pending on the process, ISPD consulting is for a 6, 10, 12, or 15-month time-period. Delivery of these services can be either 100% on-site, 100% on-line, or a hybrid of the two; there is a different pricing structure pending on the preferred method of delivery.

  • Strategic Growth Planning (National Standards and Benchmarks for Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools) + Implementation
  • Strategic Plan for Development/Advancement: Assessment + Planning + Implementation
  • Enrollment Management: Assessment + Planning + Implementation
  • Capital Campaign Process
    • Exploration, Discovery, Feasibility
    • Campaign Organization
    • Implementation: Pacesetter (Silent) Phase
    • Implementation: Public Phase
    • Implementation: Operation Homestretch (Final 100 Days)
  • Major Donor Portfolio Process/System

Plug-Ins to Catholic School Consulting Process

  • Annual Giving Drive Process: Organization, Education, and Implementation
  • Alumni Involvement: Engagement Strategies
  • Development/Advancement Office: Organization, Roles and Responsibilities
  • Enrollment Management Strategies
  • Development/Advancement Director: Search, Hire, and Train
  • Long-Range Pastoral Planning + Implementation
  • Strategic Plan for Development/Stewardship: Assessment + Planning + Implementation
  • Total Stewardship Process: Assessment + Planning + Implementation
  • AWE: Affirming, Welcoming, and Engaging: Assessment + Planning + Implementation
  • Capital Campaign Process
    • Exploration, Discovery, Feasibility
    • Campaign Organization
    • Implementation: Pacesetter Phase
    • Implementation: Public Phase
    • Implementation: Operation Homestretch

Plug-Ins to Catholic Parish Consulting Processes

  • Parish Annual Giving Drive Process: Organization, Education, And Implementation
  • Parish Staff: Organization, Roles and Responsibilities
  • Parish Council: Development/Stewardship Education
  • Development/Stewardship Director: Search, Hire, and Train
  • Collaborative Strategic Plan for Development/Stewardship: Assessment + Planning + Implementation
  • (Arch) Diocesan Strategic Growth Plan for All Catholic Schools