
Development Directions

ISPD’s team writes a monthly newsletter on advancement, enrollment management, and strategic planning in Catholic schools and parishes.

Two Important Ingredients for 2024-2025: “PD” and “SGP”

Professional Development and Strategic Growth Plan. In the battle today for individual sanity and institutional survival, these two ingredients rise to the top as we begin to put the “wrap” on the 2023-24 fiscal year. Professional Development First, let me get my bias out of the way. ISPD is hosting our annual Summer Development School here in New Orleans on June 18 – 20, 2024. This will be the 35th anniversary of our company. Would I like to see you attend? Absolutely! However, there is more to this newsletter on professional development than just a “pitch” for our annual conference....

By |April 22nd, 2024|Categories: Development Directions|Tags: , |Comments Off on Two Important Ingredients for 2024-2025: “PD” and “SGP”

Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

This is the famous quote that Andy Dufresne says to Red in the movie The Shawshank Redemption. The message is clear: Life can be spent going through the motions and waiting around for something to happen (reactive), or life can be spent making things happen (proactive). I recently hit the REFLECT button a few weeks ago. With 2023 behind us, the second month of 2024 moving quickly, Catholic Schools’ Week activities on the horizon, and the Lenten Season right upon us, I took time to download and read some publications that were recommended to me. They all reminded me of...

By |February 14th, 2024|Categories: Development Directions|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Get Busy Living or Get Busy Dying

ISPD’S Catholic Development Resolutions for the New Year

Happy New Year! We hope the Christmas Holidays were a wonderful and blessed time for you and your family to grow closer, share stories, worship together, and get that well deserved “down time” that all of us need in order to charge the battery. Here’s wishing that 2024 may be a healthy, prosperous and joy-filled year for you, both personally and professionally. Here at ISPD, we find it beneficial if we use the month of January as a way to take a look at what resolutions are worthwhile considering in order to grow and enhance our Catholic Development efforts. Every...

By |January 4th, 2024|Categories: Development Directions|Comments Off on ISPD’S Catholic Development Resolutions for the New Year

Revelant Post-Pandemic Macro Considerations for Catholic School Leaders

Hands-on the wheel with an intentional gaze forward, we briefly look into the rearview mirror and see remnants of the Cares Act of 2020, the Paycheck Protection Program 1 and 2, PPP Loan Forgiveness, and the EANS program, all providing a stimulus to the operational vitality of Catholic schools over the past forty months. Looking further ahead as we maneuver along, the winds before us are changing, blowing from different directions, causing us to momentarily consider how these forces will affect our movement and trajectory. Purposeful reflection reveals that pandemic-fueled federal programs behind us were helpful as Catholic schools took...

By |December 4th, 2023|Categories: Development Directions|Comments Off on Revelant Post-Pandemic Macro Considerations for Catholic School Leaders

Don’t Let Giving Tuesday Pass You By!

It’s the most wonderful (and busiest) time of the year! For school administrators, the final two months of the calendar year can be the most hectic – between the end of fall sports, the start of winter sports, parent-teacher conferences, annual fund kickoffs, high school open houses, and all the multitude of special holiday events that fill our calendars. For many Catholic school administrators, the countdown to Christmas Break starts before Thanksgiving break begins. Nestled right in the middle of all this end-of-year chaos is a big opportunity for your school to expand its ripples of philanthropic giving and invite...

By |November 3rd, 2023|Categories: Development Directions|Tags: |Comments Off on Don’t Let Giving Tuesday Pass You By!

The Value of Strategic Planning

When we talk about strategic planning with a Catholic school and/or parish, ISPD’s philosophy of belonging leads to believing takes the front seat. How do we reach the many ripples of people who are not involved? These could be parents, alums, parishioners, past parents, grandparents, community members. In addition, we have found that in most cases Catholic schools and parishes need better processes in place to get to know these folks and their many connections and resources. With evangelization being so important in the church today, the essential role of the layperson has never been so dramatically emphasized, and that...

By |October 1st, 2023|Categories: Development Directions|Comments Off on The Value of Strategic Planning

ISPD Welcomes New Associate, Dr. Ashley Lynn Ogden

ISPD Welcomes New Associate, Dr. Ashley Lynn Ogden  The Institute for School and Parish Development is excited to announce the addition of Dr. Ashley Lynn Ogden to our ISPD Consulting Team. Dr. Ogden served as the principal of St. Dominic School in New Orleans from 2017-2023 and also served as the assistant principal from 2016-2017. Before that she served in both public and catholic schools as a teacher and leader. Dr. Ogden has a strong background in increasing student enrollment, special education, establishing mission-driven brand awareness, increasing academic achievement and developing senior leadership teams. Dr. Ogden will be working with...

By |August 15th, 2023|Categories: Development Directions|Comments Off on ISPD Welcomes New Associate, Dr. Ashley Lynn Ogden

Is It Really Important to Conduct an Objective Financial Feasibility Study before Launching a Capital Campaign?

In our work with Catholic schools, parishes and (arch)dioceses, we often have questions from Catholic leaders in regards to whether or not they need to conduct a Financial Feasibility Study (FFS) before they launch the capital campaign for their parish or school. Because this question has come up numerous times in the past year, we thought we would use this newsletter to address the issue and give our perspective. Value of a Financial Feasability Study There are usually three schools of thought about Financial Feasibility Studies: Conduct the FFS using outside and objective counsel; Conduct the FFS internally; Move to...

By |August 8th, 2023|Categories: Development Directions|Tags: , |Comments Off on Is It Really Important to Conduct an Objective Financial Feasibility Study before Launching a Capital Campaign?
  • Capital Campaigns: Why do Some Succeed and Some Fail?

    October 21, 2024

    6 min

    Do you ever wonder why some capital campaigns in Catholic schools and parishes are successful and some...

  • How will 2024-25 Be Different in Your Catholic School and/or Parish?

    August 15, 2024

    6 min

    HOW WILL 2024-25 BE DIFFERENT IN YOUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL AND/OR PARISH? One of the greatest joys in...

  • Back to School Night and Vision Articulation

    July 17, 2024

    7 min

    All across the country next month, the majority of Catholic schools will open for the 2024 --...

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  • ISPD Circle of Catholic Champions

    June 11, 2024

    25 min

    In celebration of our 35th anniversary in June 2024, ISPD is announcing our first Circle of Catholic...

  • ISPD Celebrates 35th Anniversary Year

    June 3, 2024

    12 min

    (Editor’s Note: This Special Edition newsletter is about the early history of ISPD, the people, and the...

  • Two Important Ingredients for 2024-2025: “PD” and “SGP”

    April 22, 2024

    5 min

    Professional Development and Strategic Growth Plan. In the battle today for individual sanity and institutional survival, these...

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