
Bringing people, process, and ministry together to help build the Kingdom of God.

The Institute for School and Parish Development (ISPD) is a national development consulting, coaching, and educational firm working exclusively with Catholic institutions. We serve Catholic schools, parishes, and dioceses by helping them create and establish effective processes that engage people and invite resources in order to make the mission and vision come alive. Through consulting, coaching, and teaching, ISPD assists in growing, revitalizing, and strengthening Catholic institutions through assessments; strategic plans; capital campaigns, annual funds, major gifts, and endowment growth; continuous improvement; establishment of a giving culture; and the organization of development, advancement, stewardship, and enrollment management processes.

Our History

Established in 1989, ISPD is a national Catholic Development consulting, coaching, and educational firm headquartered in the Greater New Orleans Area. Our present and past clients – more than 5,000 Catholic schools, parishes, and (arch) dioceses across the country – have invited us to join their efforts to develop and advance their mission and vision. With over 35 years of experience delivering responsive services and resources, ISPD strives to serve Catholic institutions in revitalizing and strengthening their development, advancement, stewardship, enrollment management, people engagement, and operational vitality efforts.

Our Philosophy

ISPD believes that Catholic Development is more than just raising money. Development is about building a strong base of people to become the spiritual, organizational, and financial stewards of their Catholic schools, parishes, and dioceses. Belonging leads to believing is the anchor for successful Catholic Development. At ISPD, our methodology is based upon the philosophy that development is the meaningful involvement of people in the mission and vision of our Catholic institutions.

Our Values

We are committed to:

  • Our Catholic faith
  • Exclusively serving Catholic institutions
  • Integrity in our company culture
  • Customized consulting, coaching, and teaching
  • Building teams
  • Helping foster a belonging and affirming culture
  • Engaging people